W6 Reading: Sustainable development/ joon hee Lee
Sustainable development seeks to make the various resources (limited and increasingly depleted) used by our society available to future generations as much as necessary. It is part of economic, social development and environmental protection policies for the future, holding the current generation accountable for excessive environmental damage. It has moved to implement this in various sectors of modern society, including education, environment, energy, economy, policy and so on, making it one of the global concerns.
Sustainable development certainly seems to have good intentions. But the criticism of this was quite interesting. They argue that as long as the Earth uses its existing finite resources, it will eventually run out. In other words, depletion is a process that we will inevitably undergo, and the meaning of the word 'sustainable' itself is vague and its practice itself is impossible. Reading this content, I thought it was important to make efficient use of resources, but the promise that couldn't know when the end would easily collapse.
It is true that sustainable development is studied to be used in various fields, but it is not clear exactly how much it is immersed in our lives. Have other people ever practiced or experienced sustainable development in their lives?
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