
Showing posts from March, 2020

W2. Reading / Lee Se Hyun

Summary Wikipedia is a different form of community from the existing paradigm. It is a community with an ideology that is opposed to the capitalist system. They chose 'cooperation' over competition. It gives more power than any democracy to induce cooperation between people. Wikipedia set and started with the goal of "a world where all humans can freely share in the sum of all knowledge." Various studies are needed to understand the unprecedented community. Political science, history, law and ethnology are examples. This was able to achieve success through cooperation because it utilized the hidden nature of human beings within capitalism. It is not Darwin's principle of survival of the fittest, but Peter Gropkin's "mutual assistance is as important an animal's lifestyle as mutual struggle." They have a variety of success factors There are two major success factors. One, as I said earlier, is strong collaboration. The other is the consc...

WK 1. Extra, what is Wikipedia? - Hanane Ben Abdeslam

Wikipedia was founded in 2011 by Jimmy Wales and is now available in more than 300 languages and it is worldwide used to do online searching. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia written by volunteers. The name is divided in “Wiki” and “Encyclopedia”. A Wiki is a website that can be edited by any visitor. The information can be freely viewed and edited by anyone. In this way, the open character ensures that the information available on Wikipedia continues to increase. However, because everyone can edit a Wiki, the articles cannot be guaranteed with true facts/information. Wikipedia trust their community/volunteers that they check their work themselves. Whoever wants to edit must follow a strict guideline when writing articles. This includes that articles must be objective and that no copyrights may be infringed. I find it interesting that a Wiki is technically a “group project” because many people are editing it together, without exactly knowing that more people have been writing. ...

W3)Social Developmnet Theory/Lim Ji Won

It is Human development because social development is driven by human beings, not by material elements. The basic mechanism of social development is that when a new activity emerges in society, and if the activity is judged to be useful enough in society, it becomes a part of society or develops into a new organization. The process of the emergence of new activities in society, the conscious or unconscious development of people, and the emergence of pioneers, and Organization of new activities, .. etc. In addition, the elements of spreading and maintaining social development are examples of the development of education, the available resources, and the development of technology. What I was interested in here is that as society develops, the role of physical resources tends to decrease. However, in the end, technological development in modern society is due to the utilization of physical resources that are currently in existence, and the resources are exhausting. Oil is a prim...

WK 2. Extra, how do human rights make our lives better? - Hanane Ben Abdeslam

Human right are standards that allow people to live with dignity, freedom, equality, justice, and peace. Every person has these rights simply because they are human beings. They are guaranteed to everyone without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, religion etc. Human rights are essential to the full development of individuals and communities. In this blog I will give two examples on how I think human rights make our lives better. United Nations “Ensure that a human being will be able to fully develop and use human qualities such as intelligence, talent, and conscience and satisfy his or her spiritual and other”. First of all, after World War II, voices from all around the world were standing by together for a standard of human rights to strengthen international peace and to protect citizens from abuse by governments. These voices played a crucial role in the founding of the United Nations in 1945. Second, human rights are supported by almost every culture and r...

WK 2. Extra, can you think of how technology makes our lives better? - Hanane Ben abdeslam

Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world and daily lives. I believe that technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting useful information at our fingertips. Modern technology has made an impact for multifunctional devices like a smartwatch and smartphone for example. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better and more fun. In this blog I will give three examples on how technology made our lives better. First of all, most of our education programs are based on the internet. We do more online research instead of going to the library to dig in books, because it is more efficient and faster to search online. Furthermore, it is now becoming a trend to use laptops or iPads to educate children instead of using books, which was our traditional way of studying. However, if we are looking at this time, during the coronavirus pandem...

WK 2. Reading - Hanane Ben Abdeslam

Wikipedia made a historical evolution in our society. Ten years ago, no one -including the founder- would have thought that Wikipedia would be the biggest web research of all time. According to the reading, Wikipedia has come to define the very best web searching in an ethics of our economy and society. Scientists have spent a lot of time understanding the growth of Wikipedia, and put specifically details in important books that they have been written to understand this source production. One of these Scientists is Joseph M. Reagle Jr. who started gaining interest in Wikipedia after he read the fractious narcissism that occurs on blogs, and became increasingly intrigued by the efforts of those individuals, who were writing on Wikipedia. As is it made it clear in this reading, I learned that technology has played an important role in inspiring the vision of a universal encyclopedia. Which in addition to inspiration, network technology and the related collaboration techniques can en...

W2.Reading/Lim Ji Won

This article consists of descriptions of the value of Wikipedia. What is the value of Wikipedia? The first is that this is a large, collaborative community. All members of Wikipedia voluntarily strive to share their knowledge. The second is that Wikipedia provided enough technology for those people. In fact, when writing an article on Wikipedia, there is a feature that allows you to jump to an article related to that term in a specific term so that you can immediately understand it. Also, like the Reference function, which makes it easy to indicate what the knowledge I'm passing is based on, Wikipedia offers us a lot of convenience. Of course, Wikipedia aims for encyclopedias. Wikis have as many flaws as they are not written by God. So, in most cases, quoting a source directly from Wikipedia is not allowed. Still, I think Wikipedia is the only place where we can intuitively understand a comprehensive piece of knowledge, so its value is not devalued. However, the smaller t...

W2. Can you think of how technology makes our lives better? / Seoyoung Um

I feel that the technological development is a great help to our current life. (COVID 19) I am grateful to Korea, which is now able to manage the confirmed person and control the country. In particular, it was very strange to see that the mask was developed without lowering the yellow dust blocking property even after washing. I can say that this is a very happy news for Korea in this situation where masks have become very important.

W3. Social development theory - Hanane Ben Abdeslam

Social development theory is based to explain changes in the structure of society. However, development has many factors that influence the results of developmental efforts. There must be a motive that drives the social change and conditions for that change to be made. So, let’s go back to the factors, organizational improvements introduced to support the innovations can take place at four different levels: physical, social, mental and psychological. Development is a human process, which links back to the four factors. People’s awareness may be a big influence in deciding the direction of development. Their efficiency, productivity, creativity, and organizational results the level of people’s accomplishment and enjoyment. These factors come into play whether it is the development of the individual, family, community, nation, or the whole world. The collection of the conscious knowledge of the community often creates new ideas, embraced by pioneers, who also take initiatives to realize...

W2:Can you think of how technology makes our lives better?/ Lee Joon Hee

Advances in technology continue to show remarkable changes in our lives and the world. Walking is all we have now, and we now travel across the sky in our cars, on our land, on our planes. The telephone, a means of making calls, has now become a high-tech focus beyond portability, becoming a part of the human body. In the past, disease treatment methods have been developed and can be solved more often, and it has become possible to analyze the phenomena or patterns that occur in our society by using big data to improve the quality of our lives. But technological advancement has sometimes become a weapon that takes the lives of many people, our personal information and privacy have become more vulnerable, and machines made by technology's development increasingly take up people's jobs. Many lives and nature have been sacrificed in the name of technological advancement, and a new sense of ethics, morality is required to deal with the consequences of new technology. The ...

W2:Can we imagine a society where people do not have to go to schools? Can it better than our current one?/ Lee joon hee

Unexpectedly, we are experiencing this situation indirectly because of a bad incident. Korean people are obliged to receive education at school," said a middle school student. This is done to satisfy the minimum right to learn to the people, and I also received this benefit. So what kind of society is a society that doesn't have to go to school? Maybe it is a society that can live without going to school. We need a lot of money to live in the world. In Korea, it often leads to a higher degree of academic background or an excessive degree of study because it is important to get a stable job. And then you get this kind of education. Would anyone want to go to school if they could get a stable job and make a living without it? I don't think so. Is there a need to get an education that doesn't bother you, but doesn't need it? I wouldn't do that if I were you. Of course, the exception is those who need to build a passion or related knowledge for their per...

W2: What do you think ‘Social development’ means?/Lee joon hee

I think 'social development' is the 'development of the consciousness of the citizens' living in society. Society is formed by people gathering together. Because people gathered, their own norms, rules and customs were created, and I think that technology can be developed and a culture can be formed based on them. In other words, the development of a society is the same as the development of its members.  So what are the criteria for 'development'? I want to base my perception on people. Will we respond to social issues or problems arising in such areas as human rights, environment, politics, law and ethics just like those of the past? It won't. More than in the past, people have begun to pay attention and question various social issues, and this move has made us ponder how our society should develop in the future.  Therefore, I think it is a necessary attitude to deal with more complex and difficult social phenomena that we will face. Another crit...

Can you think of any limitations of GDP/GNI? / Changyu Jung

I think GDP and GNI can’t be ideal measure of social development. It’s because I think figures like these do not represent the country's economic situation correctly. I think these figures reflect an increase in corporate profits rather than the income of the general public. Also, I don't think it shows income distribution at a time when income polarization is deepening. So I think these figures don’t focus on people. And these figures can't reflect the level of welfare. Also, it does not reflect economic activities outside the market. These are the reason why I think it doesn’t show the degree of social development.

Social Development Theory/ Changyu Jung

Social development theory is a theory that tries to explain the changes and movement in societies, to help the societies realize goals and methods. This “Development” is driven by human beings, not by material things. Therefore, we can call development a human process. For a long time, people accumulate their experiences. Based on the experiences, some pioneers make new ideas. If they succeed, these ideas can be spread widely and become customs and rules. And then organizations that do new activities can be formed. Some of these organizations can be institutions. It means it can be socially accepted. There are three stages in Social development: Physical, Vital, and Mental. In the physical stage, there are not many changes. The spread of new knowledge is under control. In the vital stage, there are dynamics and changes in societies. Money has become a tool of power in this stage. In mental stage, new social organizations are formed. And there are changes in political systems in this st...

W2: Reading/Lee joon hee

Nobody expected it, but Wikipedia has become one of the most amazing websites in the world today. As with many innovations, we've had no interest in Wiki, but before we knew it came back to us as a huge curiosity. Wikipedia has offered editors a free and spontaneous opportunity for editing. This is a broader mandate than any democracy, and has encouraged many people to bring out the best meaning as a 'cooperative community' itself, not as a goal. Wikipedia is a community that is achieved through practical collaboration. Collaboration reflects the culture and norms of each community, and this collaboration creates social benefits that many people can rely on.  Wikipedia is a unique person who is respected but also criticized. Have you ever seen an encyclopedia with errors? This is certainly strange, but we will be able to answer 'yes'. Is there a community that can dare to follow this result made by the efforts of many volunteers over a long period of time...

Week 2 | Can you think of how technology makes our lives better? | Lee Jaeseong

We can take a class with this square machine. Source : Q. Can you think of how technology makes our lives better? It is no exaggeration to say that we are now living in an age of technology. The way we have been taking classes since the recent Covid-19 incident is multi-video or Internet classes. If it weren't for technology, would we have been able to take classes this semester? Like this, technology eliminates time and space constraints. With no spatial constraints, people can now improve their quality of life by shortening their travel time. The process of meeting people has changed a lot. Now, if you have a messenger application, you can set the appointment time without calling. Thanks to technology, we can use a set day's time more efficiently.

Week 2 | Reading | Lee Jaeseong

1. Summary Ten years ago, even founder Jimmy Wales thought Wikipedia was an impossible content. However, today's Wikipedia has grown into a worldwide website. Wikipedia's development was largely attributed to the "collective community." Wikipedia's collaboration creates social benefits by millions of people around the world. The project began with the goal of "a world in every single human being can free share in the sum of all knowledge." There are relativistic few organises that inspirational fix, flaws not without standing. Very new return that after a serious failure. These values one installation. Joseph Reagle called Wikipedia a web-based open content book. Wikipedia plays a major role in references to primary or secondary sources. The act of making Wikipedia is cumulative, interactive and no different from making books. 2. Interesting Point I was intrigued by the people who founded this small book, which was made of the "Collective C...

WK 2. What do you think social development means? - Hanane Ben abdeslam

Question: what do you think social developments mean? Answer: The world is constantly changing. In recent decades our society has developed from a fairly homogenous, orderly and stable society to a society with enormous variety and diversity. I think that social development refers to how people develop social and emotional skills across their lifecycles. The way we walk, speak, learn, develop and how-to life in the society. Social development focuses on the need to “put people first” in development processes. This means what is necessary for society, for the groups of people who are part of it. Hanane Ben Abdeslam

WK 1. Wikipedia: reliable sources - Hanane Ben abdeslam

According to the reading, articles on Wikipedia should base on reliable sources. Reliable sources mean that the information in articles come from sources with a reputation for fact-checking and accuracy. However, in the reading it says that the word “source” has three related meanings: the piece of work itself, the creator of the work and the publisher of the work. Three similar things that you mostly see coming back in an article.  Before reading the article, I didn’t know that every article on Wikipedia has to follow a guideline to become a reliable source. This means to cite all information you add to articles, to be sure all information is verifiable, and not to include original research in your additions. If you get known for being a reliable source, it is more likely that your edits will be trusted. After the reading I know that every article has to have reliable sources, but we can gain so many data and information from different sources, so who knows if these sourc...

Week 1 | What are the pros and cons of using Naver versus Google for research purposes? | Lee Jaeseong

Google is the best search engine in the world, and so is Korea. However, in Korea, Naver has become the best portal site. Let me compare the pros and cons of these two. Naver guarantees, among other things, a search function tailored to Koreans. Koreans especially hate to look for information for a long time. Naver presents numerous data within Naver by searching for the desired search term. In addition, encyclopedias within Naver are well-prepared, making it a good portal site to get information. However, Naver has a weak point of acquiring information that is limited in that it does not give information on sites other than Naver. Academic information within Naver has many shortcomings. Google, on the other hand, gathered information from various sites. When Google searches a specific search term, various data using that search term are searched. However, there is a disadvantage that finding academic information takes a long time. In other words, Google is better at using Naver and lo...

W1. What are the pros and cons of using Naver versus Google for research purpose? - Hanane Ben abdeslam

Naver is an online searching program based in South-Korea. In Korea people are using Naver more than Google or other searching programs.  There is a competitive battle going on between Naver and Google, therefore I listed a few pros and cons of using Naver instead of Google. First of all, Naver’s search algorithm is built around the Korean language, which helps Naver deliver more relevant results than Google on many occasions. This is because the Korean language is different from that of the English language. Therefore, it provides better results. On the other side, Naver is not as good as Google at crawling and indexing. A lot of Korean webmasters are not worried about privacy issues, since they know that Naver is not going to index certain information, So, to avoid security breaches, they simply block Google bot from crawling their sites. Second, if we take the number of indexed sites per user in Naver, it will definitely be smaller than the number of indexed sites per...

Week 1 | Why are you taking this class? | Lee Jaeseong

Society has been evolving since before. It is a story that I often hear. So, what is it that society develops? Is it the development of society to be economically rich? Or is it the development of society that citizens' civic consciousness develops? I wondered what it was that society was developing. Is capitalist society an advanced society? Is communist society an advanced society? What exactly is an advanced society? I searched for it beforehand. A developed society is said to talk about the evolution from a simple structure to a complex one. This is not an easy definition. So, I want to think about what society is developing through this class. So far I have been learning sociology for two years and have not been able to tell exactly about social development. I think this class will solve my curiosity and ignorance.

Can we imagine a society where people do not have to go to schools?Can it be better than our current one?/Lim Ji Won

A society that does not need to go directly to school is imaginable enough. However, a society that does not need education itself cannot be imagined. Therefore, in the future society, the online teaching method (due to coronavirus-19), which is currently in progress, will be more developed and universalized and will be established in our society. This type of society has the advantage of being very easy to provide educational equality to people. Professors can proceed with their classes regardless of the number of students, and students can easily receive desired subjects and study. However, I never think that this kind of teaching method will always be good. No matter how technology evolves so that online classes do not differ much from the current offline classes we currently practice, can it perfectly reproduce social interaction between people offline? I don't think that online classes can reproduce 100% of the advantages such as instant interaction and feedback that offl...

What do you think social development means?/Lim Ji Won

I think that social development is a big change in human thinking. "God" had a great influence on human life and thoughts until the Middle Ages, and it was thought that all human life, art, and power were inherited from God. However, in the modern era, humans have deviated from the "god" -centered thinking of the past and began to think about humanity. The viewpoint of power and the highest leaders also changed greatly, from the perspective of "the absolute sign of God to human beings," and "the citizens signed a contract with the leader." Of course, the development of technology is important to the conditions of social development, but the most important thing is that I think that it is a real social development when there is a big change in the way people think as in the previous examples.

What do you think social development means? / Seooyoung Um

Q. What do you think social development means A. I think social development is the path to the happiness of social members. It is now a scientifically developed society, but we still have poverty, disease and inequality, and there are people suffering from it. That's why I think it's true social development that everyone is happy about.

W2-Reading/SooBin Moon

Summary) All the articles describe the value of Wikipedia. First, Wikipedia is meaningful as a "cooperative community." Wikipedia is a community formed through collaboration. Several people are sharing knowledge, cooperating, and creating social benefits. Second, Wikipedia is a web-based online open content book. Third, it is rewarding to understand and describe the spirit of Wikipedia collaboration. Wikipedia makes it possible for many to write interdependent and to accumulate work. Fourth, Wikipedia incompletely combines descriptions with each other to explain how neutral views and good intentions complement each other in co-production.   What's interesting, what's new?) I was impressed that Wikipedia's neutrality should be understood not by explaining encyclopedias but by the universal perspective of contributors, their aspirations and willful positions. It was surprising that many were not trying to merge into one theory, but rather put me...

What do you think social development means?/ Kim Seonghui

Q.  What do you think social development means? A. I think that social development is about society heading to a better side. It can include everything, including better economic, political and cultural situations than in the past. I think we all think differently about what's better. We can rely on figures to define this, economic affluence, freedom of speech, etc. But I think many people will agree that it is a good aspect to be closer to the values that humans seek in general (ex. love, human rights, etc.).

Can you think of how technology makes our lives better?/ Kim Seonghui

Q.  Can you think of how technology makes our lives better? A. There is a perfect example of this question. I heard this example in one of my liberal arts classes, and it was very impressive. As you all know, clean water is really important to humans. But Africa, especially in many developing countries, is a difficult place to get clean water. Therefore, many people spend a lot of time every day to grow this water. What I want to introduce is the 'Hippo Roller'. A device used to transport clean water more easily and efficiently than traditional methods, especially in developing countries and rural areas. It is said that once bought, it can be used for more than five years and carry a relatively heavy amount more lightly. Such advances in technology have enabled most women and children who grow water to save time to grow water and engage in new activities such as going to school at that time.

How do you think mass production, scientific management and bureaucracy made our societies different?/Kim Ami

Q. How do you think mass production, scientific management and bureaucracy made our societies different?   I think mass production, scientific management and bureaucracy have made our society predictable. As society becomes more complex, the possibility of uncertainty has increased, allowing bureaucracy to prepare for uncertainty. And as science and mass production became possible, our society had a materially rich life. And the reason this mass production was possible was because of the advances in science, but also the bureaucracy. Because of bureaucracy, we only have to do what's set, which has brought us material affluence. So it's an efficient system. These systems are used in various areas, including politics and economy, as well as industry. However, people are becoming increasingly inefficient rather than efficient as the set tasks are set and the phenomenon of putting off each other's work occurs.

What do you think “social development” means?/Kim Ami

Q.   What do you think “social development” means? I think that social development is about changing from a simple structure to a more complex one. But in the process, I think people's perceptions should also develop more mature than ever before. As society changes into a more complex structure, many social changes have occurred, such as material enrichment. Behind these changes are problems such as environmental pollution and exploitation. I think we need to recognize and discuss this in order for our society to mature. Therefore, I think it is the meaning of social development that our social consciousness develops in line with the changing world.

W2/How do human rights make our lives better?/SooBin Moon

How do human rights make our lives better?        First, human rights help us maintain our lives economically and humanly. This is because we have a sense of human rights and there are ways in which everyone can be rescued from life-threatening risks or poverty.      Second, human rights have helped humans escape from the times when they used to discriminate against each other, to be considerate of others and to improve their empathy with others. This is because human rights stress that all human beings are originally equal human beings, away from race, economic ability and so on.      Third, human rights properly limit the scope of freedom. I can use my freedom wrongly to prevent the wrong act of violating others' freedom.Such a voice emphasizing human rights, which can be enjoyed by one human being, helps humans lead a better life. Therefore, I hope to see an era where more human rights can live an equal and bet...

W2. How do human rights make our lives better? / Juhee Cha

Before answering the question, I was curious about the 'human right', so I looked it up using Wikipedia. The link below is attached. *Summary Human rights are principles or norms that describe the standards of human behavior. It is also legally protected. This is an inalienable human right. The common classification of human rights is divided into civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights. Without civil and political rights, it is said that the person cannot claim economic, social and cultural rights. *Interesting point How does human rights make our lives better? We become educated by trying to protect human rights on our own. This seems to be a similar principle to when I commented on 'social development'. To protect human rights, we study and advocate human rights. Through education, we can use opportunities in the right way, and if our lives improve, it becomes a social development. In othe...

W2.Reading / Kim Ami

1.      Summary       This text is about how Wikipedia has achieved great success. The core of Wikipedia is a "cooperative community" that allows us to understand the world freely and voluntarily. The collaboration takes place within the culture or norms of the community.        The first reason for the success of Wikipedia, a web-based open content book, was technology. Technology played an important role in inspiring the vision of a universal encyclopedia. Networking technology and associated cooperative techniques have facilitated new socialization among people by enabling openness and accessibility. People can communicate and contribute incrementally on Wiki. In other words, Wikipedia is a community and leads a collaborative culture. 2.      Interesting point   The interesting part is the description of technology. Wikipedia has been successful through technology. Through advanced techn...